Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where did the week go?

Okay, I got distracted, there were health issues, and now it's Thursday and I'm about where I'd hoped to be Monday night... so everything's behind.

I'm going to get the Gen B kids to college and then do a chapter, which may or may not go up to that point. Likely "not", but we'll see. A few are already there, but I've still got the younger ones to go. I'm not bothering to play college until everyone's there... the kids will go into dorms based on their age group so I can just play the eldest kids more.

As soon as that's done, I'm going to focus on TD for a bit, doing the next episode and the extras... I'll probably release E4 first and then the extras as a separate update. Then I'll work on E5 too. I've got some building to do in S&S so I can alternate in case I get bored with shooting. Also I can play Neopets or something for short breaks. It's been far too long since I released my last one, though, so I'd like to try to get E5 up fairly quickly after the extras... I also really need to start working on the full scripts for E8 onwards.

In the meantime, while you're waiting for an actual chapter or episode, have a lolSim:

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