Monday, September 22, 2008

Okay, let's try this again...

This week, I hope to get done what I didn't get done last week.

I didn't make zero progress, but right after posting that last post, I started feeling ill. Ran a fever for a couple days, and generally have been foggy (and not sleeping well, either). Today I'm pretty foggy as well... I've been physically awake for about an hour but I feel like I'm still asleep. So I don't know how much (if anything) I'll do today, honestly, but we'll see.

Last week, I did get a set of shots for Twilight Dreams, though just one. I had to throw in a new lot and do some off-screen setup for a couple minor characters, which took a while, and then it took me forever to figure out how to pose a couple things, but at least that part's done, and most of the rest are straight-forward except one or two things. Ultimately it was a good 5 or 6 hours of work for what will be... half a dozen slides in the story? Something like that.

And S&S, college is still colleging, but the eldest kids will graduate on this rotation and then I'm consolidating houses and so it should be fairly quick to get the rest done as well. Then I can get people started on scary babies. (And hopefully in some people's cases, less scary ones.)

Plus there's several updates I want to read and comment on, which I'll get to in the next couple days I hope.

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