Thursday, October 25, 2007


15 polo shirts and 15 blouses for adult women. A couple of the lighter colours have some washout on the details I am not fond of but they don't look too bad, just not quite up to the level I'd prefer.

I pulled the colours from the 20 I'm using for furniture, figuring it was as good a base as any, but I didn't match them as precisely as I would for the furniture... a few are lighter or darker or more muted or something.

Now I need coffee, except for the fact that we're out of coffee... actually, I think there's enough left for me to run one cup through my french press, I'll go look. My sweetie should be calling soon to see if I need anything on the way home so I'll have him pick me up some.

Tomorrow I guess I'll start tackling the Homecrafter stuff, as I said. Next batch of clothing will be adult male shirts... but over the weekend I probably won't do much. I might build the two neighborhoods (yes, two: one for flashback filming, one for realtime filming) that go with Twilight Dreams, but more likely I'll save that for Monday or Tuesday.


  1. Hi Tina!

    I just linked to your blog today, and read through it. I'm intrigued by your secret project, and can't wait to see it. I'm also kind of in awe of all the custom content and recolors that you're doing! I've never attempted that kind of thing.

    I'm going to keep reading here, and watching for your new projects to go up. Also, I like the format of the stories in here - and either kind of captioning works, I think. :)

    Denise (avidreader2466 on boolprop and the exchange)

  2. Hi Denise! Glad to see you! And thanks for letting me know about the captions; I've definitely decide on the embedding for Twilight Dreams but I'm not so sure for Saints and Sinners. :D
