Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Decisions, decisions

Okay, well, after thinking about it some more, since I'm still feeling iffy about the old projects, I think maybe I'd be better off just making a fresh start.

So, as soon as my back pain allows, I guess I'll go ahead and look for the disks and install. See if I can get FT working without hitches, or deal with the hitches, see if I can get that bodyshop compression workaround doing some good (and do some updates on my CC), do testing in the default neighborhoods, etc. I'm not planning on rushing; among other things I'd just as soon wait to start publishing until I at least get a little further into sorting out my health woes or, y'know, acquire a painkiller that works reliably. But when I get around to setting up custom 'hoods, it'll be for new projects.

I might eventually decide to try to finish up Twilight Dreams, although I'm leaning towards just prosing up the scripts and publishing them as text. S&S is rather less likely, as I do more and more think I probably shouldn't have tackled a 26-gen idea until I saw if I could ever frelling finish a 10-gen one (particularly with my history of having computer issues :/). I'm leaving my options open, of course: the S&S files are all still there (including the bits no one's seen), and I'll just archive them up and let them sit in case I change my mind at some point.

So, you might be wondering what I would like to do that makes it worth abandoning my other stories.

Well, first and foremost I want to do a plotty legacy. It'd use the framework of a typical 10-gen legacy with some handicaps, but with story trumping rules. I plan to write prose rather than commentary (though I may do out-takes or behind-the-scenes things). People who miss the Greenes and the Highwinds will probably like it, because it was conceived as a sort of spiritual successor to those.

I mentioned in my other post I have an outline. It's not a complete one, as I'm leaving plenty of room for in-game actions, but it does list one or two major events that should occur in each generation, with firm starting scenes and a relatively firm ending. My heirs will be the Sims whose aspirations and/or personality work best with the upcoming events... I've got notes on what I'm looking for for each generation, basically. Spares and side lines, well, they'll get played, but how much they figure into the story will vary.

Secondly, I'd like to do a non-major-plotty, character-driven, commentary-style legacy for points. And, y'know. Finish it.

Now... I will tell y'all straight up that while I would be playing and scoring as if everything is legacy-legal, I ain't giving up my mods and hacks, including a few that technically violate the spirit of the rules. Since I feel that they change things to the way the game was supposed to work, however, I'm going to just ignore that. :D Aside from that, though, I'd be doing my best to stick to the rules, excluding certain things I see as options (Legacy Tree, for instance, requires me to keep graves on the lot, which I don't know if I want to do; I don't know if I want to tackle Legacy Breed, etc.).

I'm still thinking about which handicaps I'd want to go with for that. I'm highly tempted to make it an Uglacy since I'm (probably) abandoning S&S and I enjoy genetic experiments. Which isn't technically a handicap, no, but it's a goal, so similar. If I do do that, I think it'd be lolzy to have one of the handicaps be Well-Dressed Sims, and I'll probably throw Storyteller in there as usual, too. I have a few other things I'm considering (some of which are mutually exclusive), and a few things I've ruled out... not sure what else I want. Anyone have any handicaps they've always wanted to see someone try? I might not use 'em but I wouldn't mind suggestions.

Oh, and I need to get an updated copy of OpenOffice and see how their version of Power Point feels to work with, since it looks like Slideshare is working out pretty well for people. Chances are I'm not going to find it any harder than the way I was doing things before. I still plan on using screen captures rather than the in-game camera, which should help with the resizing artifacting a few peple were getting (note to self: check size limits on uploads there), but overall it looks like a pretty good method. Maybe I'll throw together some scenes from S&S pics in the unpublished bin for lolz.

So... yeah. Don't expect to see anything for a while, but I am definitely planning on trying to get back into the Simworld. I may even start leaving comments again someday. :D

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