Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My allergies are just out of control today. It's very distracting.

Amazingly, that doesn't mean I've done nothing. I have a bunch of the first-pass adult women's casual clothing done. What's "first-pass" mean? Enough recolours that I will feel like I've got a lot of choice, but not nearly as many as I intend on eventually making. In this case it specifically means polo shirts, the crop sweater over tee, blouses, and a few bicolour recolours of the cardigan over knit top (all those are done, including the simPE replacement of images such as to prevent over-compression), in the casual tops category. Also in the bottoms, the ankle-length skirt (done), the crop capris (half done), the skirt appropriate for an office (not yet started), and possibly a few neutralish recolours of pants, though I probably will wait on those since the existing options aren't bad.

Once those are done, I'm going to tackle adult guys. They're going to get polo shirts and button shirts and maybe sweaters for tops, and probably nothing for bottom since I rarely see guys in colourful pants or anything. Though as with the women they could use some grey pants, but again I'll probably hold off on that.

After that I'll have enough adult options (I don't care what my kids wear and my Sims generally don't stay teen very long, but I have to look at their YA/adult clothing for a LOOOOONG time) that I won't feel compelled to make it a priority. That having been said, I still want to tackle some recolours in the 'full' category, do some toddler and elder stuff (and maybe a bit of teen and kid), throw in some new bathing suits and gym suits, and, of course, make fun t-shirts. Possibly when I'm feeling less like I've done nothing but recolour for 6 months I'll feel more like doing things like outerwear (not enough options there but boy are they a pain to recolour) and formalwear, too, though that's even further down the totem pole.

Besides THAT, I still need to do a few object recolours (really just a few) before I'm really happy with my initial options, and then there's more of THOSE down the line as well.

AND... if you've read this far, you deserve to know that I got the scripts done for Twilight Dreams #3 and #4. That means that I can release at least 3 in reasonably rapid succession. #3 and #4 are also somewhat longer than #1 and #2 were... probably about where they'll stay for the subsequent episodes as well. I'm now to the point that I need to take my loose storyline and break it up a bit more and fill in details, though, so scripting will go a bit slower from now on.

I still haven't loaded the actual GAME yet, though, heh. And yes, that means I still have a lot of building and Sim-creating to do. Well, Sim cloning. And I won't do any building until I collectionize my CC, which is, uh, gonna take a few hours. Plus I need to redo two of the outfits for TD, which suffered from the same compression problem, or I need to pick something else to put a certain person in... well, one of the outfits might be okay, so it's really just the other one, which I actually could probably just replace with a default colour now that I think about it.

Anyhow, as soon as I get the adult clothing done I'll start tackling the in-game stuff.... possibly tomorrow, depending on how I feel. For now, it's time for a break because my nose hates me.

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