Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In Which Aaron Gives Me Many Choices

I actually, after all that dithering, never got around to doing much play for Saints and Sinners the last few days... my body decided to go on one of its excessive-fatigue jags (the counterpart to the insomnia, whee) so I spent a lot of time sleeping instead. I'm playing now, and trying to find some suitable candidates for Heir's Wife.

Aaron has decided at least four women are worthy of two bolts. Two are uni students (dorm-mates, in fact). Two are townies. And there's still plenty of people he hasn't even met.

The two students, IIRC one is Pleasure and the other Romance. (They're custom, so I remember making them, just not positive I'm remembering the Pleasure one right... but with two non-turn-on bolts it's likely.)

The Pleasure Sim, ISTR her hair is custom (it's a red-brown but sometimes I throw those in custom since they're neither red nor brown), which I think gives her genetically custom hair. That'd be an oddity. She also has a highly-modified face (maybe making her better for later down the line, really) with an Asian base. Also I dressed her up vaguely gothy. Not sure she's the best match for him personality-wise if I were going to base her personality on that, but you never know.

The Romance Sim, well, depending on her LTW, she could be an interesting spouse or she could break his heart. She's a red-head, which would be nice for the continuing recessives. Unfortunately she's also rather pretty. On the other hand, her pretty may be different enough to still introduce chaos to the kids, so I can't rule it out yet.

The townies are a mystery for Aspiration... one of them's a custom but she was created long enough ago that I don't remember, and her clothes (I tend to dress 'em to match their personality, including Aspiration) aren't much clue. Anyhow, she's another Asian face, although she's got a seriously oval version instead of the shorter faces I tend to make for Asians, so it's at least different. And she's black-haired and brown-eyed, as I tend to make Asians (note I've got several custom browns and off-browns in addition to the basic brown).

Lastly, the Garden Club Lady. GCL's got what I think might be the Real Bella Goth face (not that Thing in Strangetown, the one depicted in paintings), a lot closer to the Average I was thinking of yanking Coffee Lady for. (Coffee Lady's a wash; he's got 0 bolts for her. Good friendship fodder though.) On the sorta-downside she's black-haired. On the sorta-upside, she's got a different skintone, so I'd get some variety at least. And marrying her in would force a new NPC creation, which would give later generations some more potential variety.

So far he gets along equally well with all of them. The dormies have the advantage of living there and therefore getting coincidental conversation (while eating, TV, random stop for Tell a Joke, etc.) The only possible clue for direction I have is that Aaron very briefly rolled a Want to Ask GCL (and none of the others) on a Date (it went away when he fulfilled a different Want), and that I think Romance Girl might be a little too pretty. Otherwise they've all got plusses and minuses.

I suppose if I leave it up to ACR he'll flirt with one of the two Available Dormies and that'll be that, but for my purposes I might not want that. If he rolls another Want, I will probably take that as my sign.

Anyhow. Back to playing.

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