Wednesday, March 26, 2008

the brain. it is is full of the dead.

Seriously, I seem to have come down with a serious case of the "easily distracted brain fog", or something. I haven't fired up the game in nearly two weeks, which seems so odd because I actually do want to play.

I'm going to blame it on it being nearly April, even though most of it occurred in March. April's historically been a bad month for me*. Maybe my brain is cringing in the expectation of the month being bad and shut down.

I think today is a wash but I'm going to load the game up tomorrow even if it means sitting there staring at Aaron's nose on pause for 5 hours before I actually play. At this point, though, I'm guessing the earliest I'll have anything out is mid-next-week.

[*Near death of a friend in a motorcycle accident. Unplanned pregnancy discovered just after really bad breakup. Really bad breakup in question. Suicide of someone I knew, albeit someone I wasn't close to. Death of a friend in a car accident. Figuring out my ex-junkie roommate of the time was not, in fact, an EX-junkie. Death of my cat, last year, and I've been thinking about him a lot lately. Birthday of very close friend who died 18 months ago. There's probably other things I could dredge up but I'm already in a poor mood, so why go there?]

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