Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Progress to Date and other Custom Content Natter

As of this moment, I have loaded 715 wall files into HomeCrafter. So far since about 2:30 (Eastern) today, 220 files with the absolute longest names I've had yet, so with the renames of the files, I've typed more than enough to make a NaNo quota if I were participating, which I mention just for the fun comparison.

There are about 200 wall files left to do, but right now my fingers feel like they're going to fall off, so I'm taking a break. And then there's floors, but I need to take another look at the carpet as I'm not fully satisfied with it.

At this point every time I predict a date I end up getting sick or something else interferes with things, so I'm not going to predict a SOLID date, but I'm hoping that this means that all the custom content I really want in before I play (and that means the first round of clothes and object recolours and the rest of the stuff for Twilight Dreams, too) will be done by the end of next (not this coming, the one after) weekend, just in time for my birthday. :D Which means you should see Twilight Dreams releases by December, hopefully.

I also plan on making other stuff later, but that I'm going to work on more slowly: object recolours of stuff I think "too bad this doesn't come in x" as I play the game, more complex clothing recolours (and other age groups), some additional Homecrafter stuff (mainly some wallpaper and patterned paint that I like and want to bring in line with my main 12-20 colours, but I might do a few other things), etc.

Also, I'm going to upload stuff to (I have an account associated with this gmail address) and I need to decide if I want to break it down by group of colour or by category (e.g., plain paint, paint with white wood kick, paint with dark wood crown and kick, etc.). It's by category right now, but for the collections I'm splitting into colour group as well as category, so I might package it up that way for as well. I'm debating about uploading it to MTS... I suspect they don't really need a whole new batch of simple wall recolours, though, so I think I might not bother with this basic stuff.

Also, while I'm on the topic of custom content, I downloaded a bunch of makeup since it's one of those things I don't like working on, and also a bit more hair. So, see, I'm only horribly anal about some things. Makeup and hair, I'll take from other people. ^_^

I also now have a whopping THREE clothing meshes in the game, two of which are directly for use in Twilight Dreams, one of which I already recoloured (the other one's probably staying 'as is'). The third is HP's Comfy Sleepwear, which I'm a little unhappy shows up as casual everyday as well as sleep/workout clothes, but I'll live with it. I've also done one recolour of THAT, because my protagonist needed scary, scary pajamas.

Okay, now my fingers really are going to fall off, so no more til I've got more to report.

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