Thursday, August 28, 2008

When ACR timers go wrong...

Today's lesson: if you queue up someone to do something in a room with a couch, but they haven't gotten there yet, and then the two people who are in the room have their ACR timer go off, there is great potential for lulz.


I'm not going to bore you with the details of why I've not posted anything, blog or otherwise, except to mention "8 days of migraine symptoms", and now I'm done.

Friday, August 15, 2008

State of the Simming

Okay, I actually have been doing stuff, albeit still slowly.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dr. Horrible Lives, and So do I

Okay, first, the non-Simmy stuff: they put Dr. Horrible back up as a hulu stream, which I found out about yesterday, so I've now gotten to see the whole thing. I think I'm kinda a little in love with Neil Patrick Harris. Not quite "OMG I want to make babies" with him—though granted I don't want kids anyhow and besides, he's, y'know, gay—but definitely I'd love to see him do more stuff like this. Also, I hunted around for news about whether or not they were doing a soundtrack (they are) because I absolutely need a copy of "Brand New Day" (or whatever they end up calling it) so I can listen to it 138904832 times in a row nao plz. As it is, I rewound the video half a dozen times to listen to it. Also I tried to take some screencaps though they kept ending up blurry, so I guess doing any icons out of it will have to wait til I own an actual copy, which will happen. Cuz, $6 at iTunes? I think I can squeeze $6 into our budget in the near future.