Thursday, July 17, 2008


Eeeeeevvvvveeeeeerrrrryyyyyytthhhiiiiinnnng iiiiiisssss gooooiiiiinnnng vvvveeeeerrrrrryyyyy ssssssslllllllloooooOOOOoooowwwww.

Seriously, I looked at some of what I shot yesterday. Something that turned out to be a total of 5 seconds of video took a full minute of sitting there to shoot, because the Sims is too stupid to take advantage of my multicore system.

For those of you who aren't into math, that means that the clip that I shot that was nearly 2 minutes long took over 20 minutes of sitting around staring at the screen waiting for something to happen. (Not something I can trigger. Also, it didn't happen. No, I won't say what, but I might after if I still haven't caught it.)

And this is why I'm not done yet. Because there's only so much of that I can take.

It does not, however, explain why I haven't finished up the CC or building. That, you can chalk up to the back and neck pain, being easily distracted when I'm in pain, and my sleep schedule.

I'm going to go take another painkiller and see if I can get something done today, but I don't expect to have anything to show anyone for another week at least, alas.

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