
Asi & Xylia in their new, freshly-custom-dyed armor, newly redesigned-cloaks fluttering behind them. Also, Xylia's cat Cocoamunga.
"Very Expensive" and custom dyeing: Regular top-level (best protection) armor takes mostly "common" salvage, things you get in the normal course of the game, so we had a lot of it, but costs a Bucketload of Dough to craft each piece at a vendor, and also Asi's armor had an expensive rare salvage we had hardly any of. Also, to get those colours required 3-4 dyes per piece, using some mid-range-cost dye. Luckily neither of us had to dye head armor (me because I don't make it visible, Asi because his is undyeable).
"Dying on the way". Mostly armor is crafted in nice, safe cities. But naturally, I just had to have the pants that are crafted in an explorable area. With enemies. Between the city and the vendor. That travel in large groups. And do chained knockdown (you can't do anything while knocked down). I think I died twice.
"Bucketload of Dough". 1-2 hours of farming gold per piece. 5 pieces. Plus the cost of dye. Although we had some of it from regular play, we did need to spend a few hours farming, not to mention selling off black dye we found (black dye is super-expensive, but we didn't want it, whereas we did want the money). [For those of you who don't play MMOs, farming is going out and killing monsters in an area just to get their money and loot, rather than progressing the game forward by doing quests. Most people at least casually farm from time to time, either to find something specific or to get a boost of gold for a big purchase like this.]
In theory we could play the rest of the game in this armor. In practice, we're almost certainly going to get alternate sets at some point, at which point I'll probably end up posting another picture. :D
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