I almost forgot that was this weekend... and my sweetie is taking a couple extra days around it, so it's actually going to be an extra-long weekend for him, during which I imagine I sha'n't get much Simming done.
So... I'm guessing I won't be putting out any more updates of either project until early June, though hopefully it'll be fairly early June for both of them.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
so sleepy
Quite aside from my sleep schedule being munged up and not having enough sleep last night (really "this morning"), I've also got the lovely Extra Tired because it's That Time of the Month. Apparently any focus is out of the question today, as even coffee isn't helping. So I really doubt I'm getting to any Twilight Dreams stuff the next couple days. Maybe later in the week, I don't know.
I may twiddle around in S&S, though. It doesn't take as much focus to do that.
I may twiddle around in S&S, though. It doesn't take as much focus to do that.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sim-Free Weekend
Can't Sim this weekend. Too busy a) making enough money for Very Expensive New Armor, b) dying on the way to get One Specific Piece, c) dyeing it, after dying, and d) taking advantage of it to go Kick Some Butt.
Friday, May 16, 2008
just a little simming last few days
I've been doing other stuff, but I did get in a short round of the houses. I think I mentioned I was somewhat further than the update showed. I've actually got several teens now, in fact. And what is probably the youngest of gen B are toddlers. I've been judiciously elixiring my founders so they wouldn't die when their grandkids were still babies or whatever, but I think I probably could've given them less. Eh, whatever. Current adults are due some elixir, too... just one dose each I think, but we'll see how that works out.
Monday, May 12, 2008
OK, maybe S&S tomorrow
This weekend has just been full of distractions. Lousy mission in Guild Wars we had to repeat several times. Feeling sick and tired for no reason. You know. Stuff.
I'm a tad shy of halfway through the captions. I can probably do the remaining ones tomorrow and get the chapter up without problem, though. Assuming I don't fall asleep three or four times, which has been known to happen once in a while, but we'll just hope for the best. And drink lots of coffee. Well, I will. You will drink whatever. Which may also be coffee. But doesn't have to be.
I don't know what I'm doing this week for Sim stuff. I think it might be more S&S and then do more TD next week instead. But we'll see.
I'm a tad shy of halfway through the captions. I can probably do the remaining ones tomorrow and get the chapter up without problem, though. Assuming I don't fall asleep three or four times, which has been known to happen once in a while, but we'll just hope for the best. And drink lots of coffee. Well, I will. You will drink whatever. Which may also be coffee. But doesn't have to be.
I don't know what I'm doing this week for Sim stuff. I think it might be more S&S and then do more TD next week instead. But we'll see.
Friday, May 9, 2008
SOOOO many pictures
I've sorted through what I had and picked out what I want for the update. It's definitely going to be a large update, and it won't even cover everything I've played through. Which is probably good, being ahead is generally not a bad thing.
Anyhow, I've done 20 slides so far. Which is about 10% of the total. So... figure tomorrow night for an update, I guess? Or maybe Sunday, depending on how much time
I spend tomorrow on cooking and Guild Wars.
Anyhow, I've done 20 slides so far. Which is about 10% of the total. So... figure tomorrow night for an update, I guess? Or maybe Sunday, depending on how much time
I spend tomorrow on cooking and Guild Wars.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
well, I played some today anyhow
Not a lot, but some. Two kittens and two puppies are now ready to be adopted. Each breeder's pets had three, so I kept one and gave up the other two, right after birth.
Then I decided I wanted to see what my babies looked like toddlerized. Only gotten to one of those so far, though. Also, ACR did something that made me sputter and write notes in ALL CAPS. Even the notes sputter. But I won't tell you what it is yet. :D
I'm going to finish the round I'm on for sure before I do anything towards the update. Maybe one more after that first. We'll see. I may just do a double-length update, too, since the album picture limit on Picasa is 500 slides so I can really make them as long as I would ever want.
Then I decided I wanted to see what my babies looked like toddlerized. Only gotten to one of those so far, though. Also, ACR did something that made me sputter and write notes in ALL CAPS. Even the notes sputter. But I won't tell you what it is yet. :D
I'm going to finish the round I'm on for sure before I do anything towards the update. Maybe one more after that first. We'll see. I may just do a double-length update, too, since the album picture limit on Picasa is 500 slides so I can really make them as long as I would ever want.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
oh hai, i'm going to bed now
Was up Very Late last night, then didn't get enough sleep. Then I napped in the afternoon and woke up to a BSOD. However despite that nothing seems to be wrong with my computer. As opposed to my guy's computer, which suffered RAID issues earlier.
Anyhow, I've made it through a few rounds of Saints and Sinners households. There are 6 kids (in three households) and one on the way. Five of six are male. The game obviously was not interested in making me cute little girls. Or something. The one girl hasn't toddlerized yet so I have no idea what she will look like.
I also got my kitty and puppy breeders set up. Kitty breeder's first kittens are on the way. Puppy breeder hasn't bred yet, but I quit out so I could eat and then go play Guild Wars, and I think next time I load the house the dogs are friendly enough to have them go mate.
Pics of the breeders' cats and dogs will probably be bonus slides for next chapter.
Tomorrow I may not Sim. I've got other stuff I want to catch up on. Also, I need to make like a gallon of fresh salsa, because I can. This requires a lot of cutting of things and will take a while. However, even if I skip the day for Sims purposes (or just go noodle around with the pet breeders) I still probably will have an S&S update fairly soon.
Now I go eat cookies and go to sleep.
Anyhow, I've made it through a few rounds of Saints and Sinners households. There are 6 kids (in three households) and one on the way. Five of six are male. The game obviously was not interested in making me cute little girls. Or something. The one girl hasn't toddlerized yet so I have no idea what she will look like.
I also got my kitty and puppy breeders set up. Kitty breeder's first kittens are on the way. Puppy breeder hasn't bred yet, but I quit out so I could eat and then go play Guild Wars, and I think next time I load the house the dogs are friendly enough to have them go mate.
Pics of the breeders' cats and dogs will probably be bonus slides for next chapter.
Tomorrow I may not Sim. I've got other stuff I want to catch up on. Also, I need to make like a gallon of fresh salsa, because I can. This requires a lot of cutting of things and will take a while. However, even if I skip the day for Sims purposes (or just go noodle around with the pet breeders) I still probably will have an S&S update fairly soon.
Now I go eat cookies and go to sleep.
Monday, May 5, 2008
concentration, what's that?
Feeling very flighty and unfocussed today. Doesn't help that I've got some not-very-controllable pain, which tends to be distracting. I am sorta playing, though I just really got started, and don't know how much I'll do today.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Various Simmy Weekend Things
I just finished up the shot list for E4 of Twilight Dreams, and went over the video shotlist to see if I could think of anything else. I'll probably start filming the video while I'm doing other shots, though I have a lot of video to be done in places the shots are precisely not. Of course. Heh.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Twilight Dreams and Misc.
Episode 3 of Twilight Dreams is ready (click):

Also crossed off my to-do list were two more buildings for S&S, leaving two. I may just wait to make them since neither of them is likely to be used much for a while, and I want to play, darn it.
I also fixed a couple people's last names/household names (I wanted to hyphenate for Adrian, and Abby's household name was not her married name), and took a backup of both 'hoods since I did some minor building in TD too.
Over the weekend I might play S&S but I also notice a bunch of people updated recently so I want to read and maybe comment. :)

Also crossed off my to-do list were two more buildings for S&S, leaving two. I may just wait to make them since neither of them is likely to be used much for a while, and I want to play, darn it.
I also fixed a couple people's last names/household names (I wanted to hyphenate for Adrian, and Abby's household name was not her married name), and took a backup of both 'hoods since I did some minor building in TD too.
Over the weekend I might play S&S but I also notice a bunch of people updated recently so I want to read and maybe comment. :)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
So far today...
I'm probably still going to do a bit more Simming tonight, but even if I don't, I got a fair amount done.
Twilight Dreams - All shots are done. I do have a lot of editing this time around (you'll see why), but I think despite that I might have Episode 3 out tomorrow night. If not, sometime over the weekend... I have to be a bit more vague there because weekend Simming time is erratic.
On the topic of TD, episodes 3 and 4 are really closely linked in a way but I have a video to go with #4, so it's likely to be a while, though hopefully nowhere near as long as the gap between the #2 and #3. ^_^ In a worst case, I might release the video a little after the episode, though, depending on how long it takes. There's also going to be another little extra, again either with or soon after the episode. By the end of Episode 4, you should all have a much better idea of what's going on in the series as a whole, too...
Saints and Sinners - Only one more building built, but I also laid down the rest of the lots and some decoration. Of the remaining four buildings, I expect two to be quick to build and two to take a while... but none of them are as complex as the new Garden in the City. Which, btw, I'm probably going to upload to box.net, as soon as I figure out what to do about CC. I suppose I could bin the lot, duplicate it over in my test 'hood, and replace the CC with Maxis-issue decor... dunno, yet.
Incidentally, I'm sitting on 230 pictures for S&S already, though admittedly a lot of that is excess toddler stuff. But I probably could put together an update out of what I already have, so the next one shouldn't take long to do overall.
Twilight Dreams - All shots are done. I do have a lot of editing this time around (you'll see why), but I think despite that I might have Episode 3 out tomorrow night. If not, sometime over the weekend... I have to be a bit more vague there because weekend Simming time is erratic.
On the topic of TD, episodes 3 and 4 are really closely linked in a way but I have a video to go with #4, so it's likely to be a while, though hopefully nowhere near as long as the gap between the #2 and #3. ^_^ In a worst case, I might release the video a little after the episode, though, depending on how long it takes. There's also going to be another little extra, again either with or soon after the episode. By the end of Episode 4, you should all have a much better idea of what's going on in the series as a whole, too...
Saints and Sinners - Only one more building built, but I also laid down the rest of the lots and some decoration. Of the remaining four buildings, I expect two to be quick to build and two to take a while... but none of them are as complex as the new Garden in the City. Which, btw, I'm probably going to upload to box.net, as soon as I figure out what to do about CC. I suppose I could bin the lot, duplicate it over in my test 'hood, and replace the CC with Maxis-issue decor... dunno, yet.
Incidentally, I'm sitting on 230 pictures for S&S already, though admittedly a lot of that is excess toddler stuff. But I probably could put together an update out of what I already have, so the next one shouldn't take long to do overall.
Some Progress is Better than None
Yesterday was a deliberate Sims-free day. I had other stuff I needed to do. Doing it caused me some backache, though, so I've been a little slow today because I'm finding sitting up a long time a little uncomfortable. Still, I've made some progress.
For Twilight Dreams, I made a revised shot list, double-checked the script while I was at it, and marked off the shots I already had.
For Saints & Sinners, I've now built 3 of the 8 things on my list for downtown, including a revised Garden in the City (my Hanging Gardens inspired lot). I actually did have the original despite the HD crash because it was still available on the Sims' site, but I decided to take advantage of a few of the additional things available in BV and rebuild... also I built it a bit larger, a bit more accessible (the outbuilding and the second floor are visitable in this version), and with a large space for the inevitable water-balloon fighting and whatnot that Sims insist on doing. Also I threw in a bar for a small hunger boost as well as the original coffee thing. Of course, there's only two bathrooms now, heh. I may go take a look at the layout and see if I can fit in at least one more somewhere, but I doubt it.
Anyhow, here's what I have of downtown so far (clickable):

Aside from the Gardens, there's the Winter Park and an art gallery. The unbuilt lot you can see is going to be a restaurant.
For Twilight Dreams, I made a revised shot list, double-checked the script while I was at it, and marked off the shots I already had.
For Saints & Sinners, I've now built 3 of the 8 things on my list for downtown, including a revised Garden in the City (my Hanging Gardens inspired lot). I actually did have the original despite the HD crash because it was still available on the Sims' site, but I decided to take advantage of a few of the additional things available in BV and rebuild... also I built it a bit larger, a bit more accessible (the outbuilding and the second floor are visitable in this version), and with a large space for the inevitable water-balloon fighting and whatnot that Sims insist on doing. Also I threw in a bar for a small hunger boost as well as the original coffee thing. Of course, there's only two bathrooms now, heh. I may go take a look at the layout and see if I can fit in at least one more somewhere, but I doubt it.
Anyhow, here's what I have of downtown so far (clickable):

Aside from the Gardens, there's the Winter Park and an art gallery. The unbuilt lot you can see is going to be a restaurant.
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